Saw the new South African movie "Verraaiers" (Traitors) with one of my godsons. This true story revolves around a loyal burgher, loving father and husband - as well as a well respected Boer officer - who, upon hearing that the enemy (the English), are planning a "scorched earth"-policy, decides to lay down arms, swear neutrality and to go home and protect his wife and family instead of further participation in the war. This decision leads to him and his sons being tried for high treason. Written by Sallas de Jager and directed by Gys de Villiers this amazing movie highlights the dreadful way in which this country was torn apart by the English and their colonial greed. This is a "must-see" - especially in view of the fact that, while my godson had a particularly immaculate education, it turns out that he knows nothing of the Boer Wars, the Rebellion or even the reasons for the First and Second World Wars! It is terrible to think that a major portion of a younger generation has no insight into what caused the very tragedies that define our sad society today. This paucity of insight and understanding is accelerating this world towards its next major social implosion.